— The Client




— Services

Experience Design + Usability Testing
How usability testing during rebranding led to increased sales

— The Context

Shoppers have more choices than ever,


even in niche markets like luxury e-consignment shops. In this label-conscious vertical, a site’s brand experience is central to the success of the platform.

— The Challenge


Luxury goods reseller, Snobswap was undergoing a rebrand to “Le Prix”…

and wanted to concurrently update their site. While the start-up was on a path toward continued growth, it was looking to enhance what worked, maximize momentum and stand out from competitors.

— The Solution


To inform the design and continue to build on the company’s success,

we started with usability testing. After analyzing data, gathering key insights and discussing opportunities, we translated feedback into actionable steps to re-imagine site flow and page design via a series of detailed wireframes.

We then worked with visual designers to ensure an intuitive, pleasing experience infused with the new brand personality. Now live, the site is turning in better performance with increased reach and a growing base of loyal customers.